Well, here we are on week three of homeschooling and social/physical distancing and all that other stuffffff that goes along with the coronavirus world we're currently living in. I dug through my ...
Cheap and Easy Organization Projects

By Jennifer
Well, here we are on week three of homeschooling and social/physical distancing and all that other stuffffff that goes along with the coronavirus world we're currently living in. I dug through my ...
It might seem odd to be posting about a soup recipe in the springtime, but there are still a lot of chilly days here in the Boston area and I feel like everyone could use recipes right now that are both comforting and pantry-heavy as we adjust to not going out as much and general…
Like so many of you, life shifted (big time) for me this past week. My husband is now also working from home, I’m managing my girls’ schoolwork and daily schedule, making meals in what feels like an interminable loop, keeping the house semi-picked up, and trying to squeeze in some work myself. In the midst…
Oak Furnitureland sent me this storage cabinet for review but all ideas and opinions expressed are my own and are sincere. Thank you for supporting the brands I choose to work with and share with you! After vacation followed immediately by a couple weeks of sickness (don’t worry, not coronavirus) I’m finally back on my…
I have a bad habit, and it is this. I dive into projects headfirst and get almost all the way finished, basically just good enough to kind of call it done but not quite…and then I move onto another project and dive in headfirst and get almost all the way finished, basically just good enough…
An honest review on the pros and cons of a real tree vs. fake tree for Christmas. The fake tree for this post was supplied by Balsam Hill but all opinions are my own. People usually seem to be very staunchly in either the real Christmas tree camp or the faux Christmas tree camp. I…
It’s 2019 Christmas tour time and for the fourth year now I’m participating in the Holiday Housewalk, hosted annually by Jennifer Rizzo. You can find my previous Housewalk tours here – 2016, 2017, 2018. The Housewalk is a weeklong celebration of Christmas decorating and Jen has curated an absolutely beautiful group of homes. Over the…
An easy recipe for nutty, subtly spiced pistachio cardamom butter cookies. Perfect as Christmas cookies with their festive red and green colors. One of my favorite things about going to my parents’ house around the hoildays is the vast assortment of Christmas cookies my mom makes every year. I don’t ever manage to make as…
Easy recipe for making homemade Take 5 Peanut Butter cups – the ultimate peanut butter cups with caramel, pretzels, and peanuts inside! Perhaps it’s because we’re just coming off of Halloween, but when I was brainstorming ideas for a Christmas treat recipe to share with you for the latest installment of the Tastes of Home…